Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Where do I go from here?

So I have passed both sections of the state boards, now what.

Us estheticians have so many options, we get go to work for ourselves, work for a salon, a med spa, photography and television production, etc. The list is endless.

I am so fortunate to pair this skill up with my college education of being a business major. I cant wait to get into business for myself. If only money grew on trees right?

To help myself figure out which direction to go, I figured I'd make a post about it, and hopefully get some guidance from my viewers, as well help someone else make their decision who is in the same boat as I.

As a current employee in corporate America, I have the decision to leave, and do this full time. Or I can work part time at this and build my clientele. I have come into a few dilemmas with answering this question.

I have decided to continue to work at my full time job, and do this part time. I want to do more than just facials, however the Massage Envy opportunity has offered me, I would be limited to what I can do. As well, the clients are theirs, not mine.

1) I want to build my own client base, so where can I start and accomplish this, while polishing my skill in the esthetics world.

   - From the little research I have done, this would consist of me renting an area or a booth. These are not as easy to find for estheticians as they are for hair stylists. They are typically about 140-200 p/week. If you are doing this to build a client base, you better have this worked into your budget, as you probably wont see the cash flow for some time.

2) How long do I work part time while still employed at my full time job?

    - This is up to you, depending on your needs of the salary, will determine your break even point, and help you determine when you can make the transition. The typical formula to figure your break even point in accounting and finance is Breakeven Point = Fixed Costs/(Unit Selling Price - Variable Costs) You will want to factor what it will cost for you to go on your own and factor in your fixed costs, and variable costs. This will give you the dollar amount to shoot for. Then at this point, you should feel confident to make the change.

3) I don't want to give up my entire life to start this new career.

   - This is inevitable, the change is scary and you may have to be a little extra busy while you are working on the transition. The transition is not going to be an easy feat, but it will be rewarding and worth it in the end. Stick it out, provide yourself a deadline, and make your commitment. This will work out, and just keep your drive. Just expect your first year or two will be challenging and as long as you keep fighting, you will make it.

I think I am going crazy! Its coming onto the busy season here in phoenix, and I am anxious to get in the field. So my first thought is to jump on the Massage Envy option while continuing to look elsewhere.

SO where do I go from here? I have two interviews with two separate Massage Envy's this week. I will continue to interview companies and make my decision based on how I feel with each of the locations. I will know which one is the answer when I see it.

My best advice to you, is that you know what you want to do, you just need to write out a detailed plan of what your end goal is. Then these options that are presented to you, you can then figure out which of these make most sense to help you get to your end goal. It is not going to happen over night and will be hard work. You will get there faster, the harder you fight for it. Market yourself, every day and present yourself as a walking billboard!

Best of luck to you!

Monday, September 9, 2013

Arizona State Board - Written Test

Study! Study! Study!

Oh all the studying that needs to be done. Words of wisdom "DONT WAIT TO TAKE THIS TEST"! I waited for almost a year and a half after graduating to get serious about this test. I finally took the practical in April 2013, and now its time to get this part done.

Man, do I wish I did it sooner. Its difficult to relearn all that stuff you learn in school. If I can make any impact to any reader I wish it would be to not wait to take your state boards!

I have been searching and searching for tips and tricks to study. I have found NONE! I hope that I can provide some assistance in helping you study for your exam.

1) Study the old fashion way! Milady text book, and a note pad. Highlighters and pens.
2) Flash cards (only the main topics)
3) Study what you need to study (Arizona State Board)
    - Click on drop down to choose "Esthetics"
    - Click Search (directly to the right of the drop down)
4) Download the PDF in specified language

Study what you see on here.

Secondary I am using Milady Study guide online. This program is paid program, and allows you to take the comprehensive exam and gives you a good idea of areas you need to brush up on. I found it has helped, but without breaking open the book, I have been stuck at about 70%. Its a must you combine your methods of study, to maximize the material you retain.